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20 Computers Which Totally Lost Their Mind In Public Places

Public BSOD Main
Short Bytes: We are surrounded by different kind of computers at public places. These machines run into an error many times and display weird screens, error messages, and screens of death. Here is a compilation of such computers going mad in public.
The electronic devices like billboards, vending machines, advertisement displays, etc. we see on the streets, subways, and shopping malls are all computers from the inside. And computers can go mad, anytime, anywhere.
We all are aware of this thing as we encounter BSOD and other screens of death on our personal computers many times. And the machines out there in public are no different. Here are some computers which displayed BSODs, errors messages, and other random stuff, instead of showing what they were programmed for:

Somebody, please update Google Chrome

Image: Imgur

I think a list of stations would be more helpful

Image: Reddit/TheKingMonkey

Didn’t daddy tell, don’t mess with the BIOS

Image: Reddit

Give me the mouse first

Image: Reddit

Schools aren’t known to have the best computers

No comments McAffee

Image: Reddit

Tell me, where is the keyboard

Image: Imgur

Do you agree? It’s sexiest BSOD ever

Image: Imgur

Turn your head before realizing you can do nothing

Image: Reddit

Car rentals only for computer technicians

Image: Reddit

The Blue Pillar of Death, isn’t it?

Image: Imgur

It’s more horrifying than amusing

Image: Imgur

Another BSOD going public

Image: Reddit

BIOS Utility 101 by Samsung

Image: Imgur

Seriously, WTF is this?

Image: Reddit

Fun watching Rouge One at AMC IMAX

Image: Reddit

Insert your slave disk first

Image: Imgur

Somebody please get a new hard drive for this ATM machine

Image: Imgur

Haha, what a coincidence with the movie poster

Image: Reddit

When did they start advertising that?

Image: Reddit

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